So in 1980 i was 3 years old and i lived with my grandparents.they lived in orlando fl for over 35 years in the same house that all my aunts and uncles grew up in. my grandparents took me in because my parents had a drinking and drug problem.
but before me they had my brother Trey and my sister Laurie then after me she had my other brother SAM while she was pregnant with him she got into some really bad drugs.
so he was born 2 months early and had no body weight on him so he had to stay at the hospital for weeks until he had weight on him.
so a few months later my aunt came to visit my parents and us and  saw that we did not have no food in the house and sam was so small and not eating. all there was is beer and drugs in the house. so my aunt told her that she is taking all the kids in till they straightend out and gets help and my aunt already had 2 children of her own so that would mean 6 kids in one house. so she called my grandmother and told her what happened and my grandmother said bring brooke over here and i will take her.
 1985 i was 5 years old when me and my grandparents moved to apopka to another house. it was sad because they leaved in the first house  for so long. but they wanted new beginning. so i had to go to a different school and meet new friends again.
my aunt would come and bring my brothers and sister to see me once in awhile.then i would
 go spend the night with me aunt Toni and i loved it because my grandmother smoked like a chimney and my aunt did not but she always said Brooke you smell like a cigarette farm.
but i would have to go home about week later
but i was the only child leaving with my grandparents. so i had to play by my self at lot being the only child was kind of boring. so in 1986 we moved again to coco beach because my grandmother loved the beach.
so one pretty day in 1986  me and my family went to see my uncle denny and his family they lived on the water where there was a dock and i  remember that my uncle David was with us that day.we was playing around when my uncle david said i am going for a swim. so he yelled for me and i turned around and he asked me if i wanna see him dive and make a big splash? and i said sure go ahead so my family comes down there and watches him dive. so he dove and something went wrong because he came up floating face down in the water.

 then i remember my grandmother screaming David floating something wrong with him. so my other uncle denny and uncle steveie jumps in and grabs him and puts him on the dock.
then i hear everybody screaming call 911. i was so scared it was my fault because i said yes to him but i did not know the water was not deep of enough for diving and there where no signs no diving.
so then the ambulance coming closer and closer. then i look and i see my uncle doing CPR on him
but no response from david. so when the ambulance gets there they said they are going to call for the chopper because it is faster.
then i hear a chopper coming to get him it lands up the road and they take him too it i saw it take off.
well then my whole family rushes too the hospital and i remember everybody crying and prying for him and then the doc comes out and said it does not look good  for him.
I looked at my grandmother and said what does that mean?
well brooke thats mean we don't know if he will leave threw the night!
so does this mean it is my fault?  my grandmother looked at me and said no no no she said why would you say that and i said because i told him i wanna see him dive in she said that would of happened even if you was not there honey god controls what happened here today and i did not under stand what that mean and i did not want to ask because she was crying so hard she could not talk anymore.
so then my aunt got there and said brooke come home with us and we will come back tomorrow too see him but i did not want to leave i still fault like it was my fault.
so my grand mother stayed at the hospital and i went with my aunt they lived down the street from the hospital.
so the next day we went to the hospital and my  family was there again and the doc came to us and said david  straight lined 3 times last night and we brought him back every time.
but we have worst news for him my grandmother sat down really fast! the doctor said that he broke his neck in 3 places. so he will be paralyzed for the rest of his life. so my family started to cry. so my family asked the doctor what happens now to him and the doctor said that we have to put metal rods in this head to keep his neck straight and still if not he can do more damage to it. so when the doctor said that i was thinking still this is all my fault for sure and i wish i could see uncle david to tell him i am so sorry for telling him to jump in the water and if i could take back time i would not tell him to jump. so the doctor said if you guys want to see him he is in I.C.U and you can only see him different hours of the day. my grandmother said yes and i said i wanna go see him but the doctor said he thinks that i am to young to experience him like this. then the doctor looked at me and said there is too many machines and wires in there. but he knows the pilot of the helicopter and he will tell that he wants me too look inside of it and check it out. so i said that is so cool thank you.
so the doctor said to me i will come get you guys when the helicopter is here so you can look at it.
so then the doctor left and the nurse came too us and said that visiting hours will start at 10:00am
so we looked at the time on the clock and it was only 9:25am.
so then my aunt said i will go get coffee for everybody. my grandmother said thank you love.
so my other uncle Steve asked if we should call all the family members that not here and let them know what happened? my grandmother says yes as she is still crying! i guess it would be hard for a mom to go threw this because her son just broke his neck. its hard for me and i am a i can't imagine what she going threw! so then the doctor comes back little while later and says can i take the little one too see the helicopter? my grandmother says that would be he did we walked down this long hall way and out some doors and there it was this huge helicopter it was red and black it was so big and large and the pilot came out the hospital doors and said hey little one wanna get in it? i don't know why every body call me little one but i did not mind it was kinda cool. so i jump in the helicopter it had a lot of buttons and switches and lights and the back was huge it has stretchers in there it was so cool and big the pilot jon asked me what i want to do when i grow up and i said i want to drive this thing and he stared to laugh and then he said you don't drive it you steer it and i said oh ok got it so we went back to the front seat and he showed me how u steer it with a  joy stick and then he explain some of the buttons that turns the propellers and i said can we turn them on and he said not in till we leave because they can suck you up and chop you in pieces.
so then aloud voice comes on the radio and the pilot said we are on the then he said hey little one we got to go but if you want to stand over there behind the line you can watch us take off. i said cool so i did and the big propellers came on slow and went faster and the motor came on and it was so windy and it started to left up and i started to wave good bye too them and the pilot yelled we will see you soon and the helicopter got smeller and smeller and then it was gone so save people life.
then i thought that would be so fly that thing!
so then the a nurse came too me and said was that neat i said yes it was.
i felt so special that day i bet all the kids don't get to do that here.
so then i saw my grandmother and i told here everything that i saw i was so excited about it.
and i told her that what i wanna do when i grow up she said thats great.
so every time i hear  a helicopter i ran out of the house to see it that was it. and every time i heard a load roar at the hospital i would run to the window and witch it land then i would seat at the window and wait for it to take off again but some times i would seat there for hours because they would not get a call but when they did i was at that window waving hello or goodbye too then hoping they have a safe flight. and i did that a lot because i was at the hospital a lot i started to know doctors names and nurses names and they where all so sweet they would bring me ice cream and food and drinks i felt like i lived at that hospital.
so a few months later i got to go see uncle david. i was so glad i could talk to him and i told him my visit to the helicopter it said that is so cool and i asked him if he remembers riding in it and it said no that he was knocked out cold but he said he bet it was cool and i said i am sure it was. so uncle david  had this big round halo with screws going in his head. i asked if it hurt and he said he is num from the head down to the feet so he can't feel anything.
so then the doctor came in and said that they need to start physical therapy on him soon as possible and i looked at the doctor and he looked at me and i said hi mr. james he said hi little bit. he asked if i was doing ok? i said yep.
so then a few weeks passed by and uncle david was in a wheel chair now and i got to hang off the back of it. we got to go around the hospital seeing he's friends that he made there.
there was a lot of people there that knew him and he would tell them i  was his favorite niece and he called my little bit.
i remember he would do donuts in that will chair with me on the back going around and around then he would stop and i would be so dizzy from that.
so months go by and i had too start school i was going into the 4th grade. i was afraid that when i start school i would never get to see uncle david much. so i was sad about that but school started and i was scared but my teacher mrs wilson was sweet and the kids was too.
but when i got off the bus i would run home and ask if i could go visit uncle david? my grandmother said no that she has already been there all day and she is tired but maybe another day so i was bummed about it and there was a lot of times i could not go visit him but i was making cards for him and send him notes saying i love you hope too see you soon.

time passed by and uncle david got to transfer to a different hospital it was called the V.A hospital because uncle david was a marine when he was a young man.
but that hospital was in tampa. so then my grandparents decide we need to move away from coco beach it has bad memories. so we did and we moved to winter springs.
well it was now 1987 and my uncle got to come home. he had nurses and doctor come by all the time to check up on him.i helped mamma out a lot with david. i took him his  meals and drinks and whatever he needed i would help out. he need a special bed and special left and other thing that they would need to get him out of bed.
he would get out of his bed into the wheel chair and me and him would go to the store on the corner we had fun doing that.
people would stare but we did not care.
so time passed but and one day my grand father started to go to work and david ask him for some juice so my grand father did and he went to work will i get up and go see david he was sleeping it looked like will my grandmother got up and said brooke call 911 david choking so i did the ambulance came and did CPR on him and put paddles on his chest and say clear and i remember him jumping around when they side that
so then they loaded him up and got him to the hospital and my grandmother called my aunt and she came right over to pick me up and take me to her house.
so we get to het house and it was night time so i went to sleep but i got woke up by people crying.
so i went to see what was going on and my aunt says that david died.
